
Friday, November 7, 2014

Democratic Disappointment

Michigan's Republican Governor, Rick Snyder won re-election by 128,130 votes in this years midterm elections. 625,000 registered Michigan Democrats didn't vote this past Tuesday. That's DID NOT vote. That is unacceptable and may be more pathetic than anything Snyder has ever done. Then again, Snyder has done some pretty messed up, sleezy, low life stuff. Nonetheless, 625,000 Democrats not voting is still horribly, horribly disappointing.

So, I'm on a new mission. A mission to not only get Democrats here in Michigan but to also get Democrats all over the country to drop the "I dont care" attitude and realize the importance of voting in all elections. A mission to get Democrats excited about the fact that when Democrats vote, Democrats win. And when Democrats win, America wins.

But my mission will be more than just getting Democrats out to the polls for every election. My mission will include getting Republicans to vote blue as well. Because what's even more messed up than millions of Democrats not voting in this country is the fact that most of the policies and proposals passed on Tuesday favor Democratic agendas. The ones that failed favored Republican agendas.

-Marijuana was legalized in 2 more states (Oregon and Alaska) and in Washington DC.

-Proposals that raised taxes (for good things-parks,millages,etc.) were passed.

-Policies that discriminated against women were shot down.

-Hell, in Denton Texas they banned fracking. The city in which fracking was created voted to ban the practice. Imagine that?

Now, since the majority of voters in this past election were overwhelmingly Republican voters that only means one thing. It obviously means Republicans actually support Democratic policies. Yet, they elect Republican canidates who push Republican policies which hurt our country. It just doesn't make sense to me and desperately needs to be changed.

That's what my new mission is. To change the way people feel about politics and voting. To not only make those people understand the importance of voting in every election but to also make people understand the importance of voting blue in every election. Because as I stated above when Democrats win, America wins.

Are you with me here? Do you understand the importance of voting in every election? If so, will you help me with my mission? Will you help spread awareness and get people out to the polls for every election? Will you make people see that a vote for the blue is a vote for you. Will make people understand that a vote for the red means your vote is dead? Will you help me save America?