Obamacare: To this very day, I still constantly hear people complaining about being forced to purchase health insurance.
"Why should we have to purchase health insurance if we don't want it?"
If you don't want health insurance then don't get it. Simple as that.
"Oh, but we'll get fined though if we don't."
Ok? So, take the fine. That'd most likely be cheaper for you anyway.
"But, why should we have to pay a fine for not having insurance?"
Why do you pay taxes for roads that you will most likely never drive on? Why do you pay taxes to fund churches that you will never even know exist? Why do you pay taxes for schools that your kids may never even attend?
It's common sense. You pay a fine for not having insurance so just in case you ever come to a point in your life where you actually need insurance, you wont be denied insurance...like you would have been pre-Obamacare. If you don't want insurance, you pay a fine for the people that not only want health care but for the people that actually need health care. You pay a tax for health care just like you pay a tax for roads and churches and schools and water and sewer and electricity and gas and the list goes on and on. At least when you pay the fine for not having health insurance, you're money is actually going to save peoples lives. So, just deal with it and get over yourselves already.
Gun Control: Gun nuts are so arrogant it's not even funny. Their excuses to fight and debate gun safety are completely ridiculous.
"The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns. It's already illegal for criminals to own guns so what is gun control going to do?"
No offense, but if you're a person who says or believes any of these things...YOU ARE AN IDIOT. For one, just because you have no criminal record doesn't mean you're a good person with a gun. Secondly, gun control isn't banning your guns, in any way...PERIOD. If you're still saying this, you deserve to be pistol whipped, repeatedly and severely. And lastly, do you anti-gun control nuts realize that even though it's illegal for criminals to own guns, it's still very much legal for criminals to purchase guns? I don't think you do realize that. Any criminal or mentally challenged person or under aged kid can walk into a gun show in almost any state in our country and walk out with a gun. Do you guys realize that? If you do, and don't see a problem there, you deserve to be more than just pistol whipped! And it's the same with most Internet sales as well.
You closed minded gun nuts need to look past the whole "gun control" tittle and open your eyes to what gun control really is...gun safety. You ignorant people who hear the word "control" and automatically assume our president wants to come for your guns. I don't get how the greatest country in the world can also house the dumbest people in the world...
Anti-Government: And moving on, but staying on the topic of the dumbest people in the world, I will now go off on any of you anti-government Americans. You people that complain about our government as if you don't realize it's the government who gave you the right to complain about our government. As if you don't realize everything you have today, everything you're entitled to, is due to our government. None of us would be here today if it wasn't for our government.
"Oh, but if you give people handouts and assistance they just become dependent and lazy."
Well, if that's the case then I tell you anti-government, anti-assistance people to stop caring for your kids. Stop providing for them. Don't clothe them. Don't feed them. Don't teach them. Don't do anything for them because they will just get lazy and dependent upon you.
"That's our job as a parent, though."
Yes, it is. And it's the job of our government to do the same for it's citizens that you do for your children.
Open your hypocritical eyes. Stop denying reality. Stop hating on our government. How would you feel if you're kids hated on you for simply taking care of them?
Anti-Vaxxers: Hey, listen, if you don't want to get your kids vaccinated, that's fine with me. As long as you never take those kids to the doctor or hospital. I mean, if you want to ignore almost every single doctor on this planet who says to vaccinate, then you surely don't need to take your kids to see the same health professionals that you are ignoring when it comes to vaccines.
I'm alright with you not vaccinating as long as you never give your kids any type of un-natural medicine (Tylenol, Motrin, Benedryl, NyQuil, aspirin, etc.). It's acceptable not to vaccinate as long as you don't feed your kids 90% of the food purchased at grocery stores. As long as you prevent your kids from breathing in the polluted air out of our atmosphere. As long as you keep them away from camp/bon fires. As long as you don't let them swim in chlorine filled pools or in lakes, rivers and streams that are polluted by the politicians that you anti-government people actually do support. And what about sunscreen? Your kids could be allergic to sunscreen. But do you ignore the experts who say to protect your kids skin against the sun? If you ignore most of the experts in the world on vaccinations, you better not let me catch you sunscreening your kids!
Look, I get it. You don't want your kids to die. Does anybody ever want their kids to die? You could die in a car crash 10 minutes from now. Does that keep you from riding/driving a vehicle? Loud music might give me a headache but that's not going to keep me from turning the volume up when I hear a good song. Pizza might give me the worst heartburn ever but I'm still gonna eat it because pizza is good.
Just like vaccinations are good. And a government that looks out for all of its citizens...yup, that's good too. Gun safety? When has safety ever been a bad thing? And health care access for all Americans...that's about one of the greatest things to ever happen to this country.
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