I say "Happy Halloween" on Halloween, "Happy Thanksgiving" on Thanksgiving, "Merry Christmas" on Christmas and "Happy New Year" on New Years day. I say "Happy Holidays" when wishing cheer throughout the entire holiday season.
When somebody says "Happy Holidays" it's because they're talking about all of the holidays. They're not trying to do away with the name "Christmas". They are not knocking or trying to offend Christ. Or Christians. They are not trying to change what the true meaning of the holiday is...or excuse me what the true meaning of Christmas really is. They are not waging any kind of war on religion or Christianity. They are simply wishing you a happy Holiday Season.
Why people are offended by this is beyond me? If somebody does say "Happy Holidays" to you because they are uncomfortable saying "Merry Christmas", you should just be happy that they are even acknowledging the holiday at all.
Plus, I dont get why people are just now getting offened by people saying "Happy Holidays". I've heard people say "Happy Holidays" during each of my 30 years on this earth. I didn't see or hear anybody make a big deal about the "Happy Holidays" saying until recent years.
Not to mention the fact that there is how many different countries and religions and nationalities around the world that celebrate their holidays at the same time as us. Ramadan, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Omisoka, Fiesta of our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucia Day, Boxing Day and the list goes on and on.
And here is the thing. Unlike Christians, there are actually people who are considerate of other peoples beliefs. And seeing how America is the great and diverse country that it is, it's perfectly acceptable for one to use the phrase "Happy Holidays". Saying "Happy Holidays" is a universal and respectful way to send happiness to people of all religions and all nationalities during this most joyous time of the year.
I also dont know why people get offended by others calling their own tree a "Holiday Tree". I mean really? It's a tree. Who cares? If Christians are going to get offended by a "Holiday Tree", then as an enviromentalist, I am going to have to start getting offended that you're calling Pine Trees, "Christmas Trees".
Na, I wouldn't do that because I could care less what you call your own tree. And nobody else should care either. And you know what? I put up my tree before Thanksgiving and leave it up until New Years Day. So, technically...you know, it is a "Holiday Tree". I've even thought about leaving my tree up all year long to decorate it for every holiday. Would you be offended on the 4th of July by my "Independence Tree"? I would certainally hope not.
So for now on, just worry about what you call your tree and let others call theirs what they want. You say "Merry Christmas" all you want but let people just say "Happy Holidays" if that's what they want. Stop being offended by things that dont matter. As long as YOU remember and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks or says.
Because if Christ isn't a part of Christmas anymore it's because Christians are making it that way. It's because Christians would rather complain about what others call the holidays rather then just celebrate what Christmas is truly all about, Christ.
No matter what you Christians think, who are offended by one saying "Happy Holidays", nobody is trying to take Christ out of Christmas. It's Christmas. It's the holidays. Either saying is fine. Stop getting offended by nothing.
Last thing, when schools, businesses or whoever else calls it "Winter Break" or "Holiday Break", they aren't trying to offend you. They just aren't trying to offend anybody else either. So just get over it and enjoy your holidays already.
Merry Christmas to all you Christians out there and Happy Holidays to everybody else.
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