
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Backup For My Boy Barack

I'm showing more love and support here for President Obama because he deserves a whole lot more credit than he recieves. These days, he can't even muster up support from his own party because of all the misplaced blame, hate and lies directed his way from the Republicans.

Now, I understand there are some Democrats out there trying to win elections in Red states, where most of these lies have generated from in the first place so most of this is directed at those Republicans. But I say this to the Democrats distancing themselves from our leader...don't forget that we are all on the same team here, fighting for the same things. And don't forget who is leading us there. If this country was going backwards then yes, by all means distance yourself from our leader. As a nation however, we are on the right track. Whether the opposing team wants to admit it or not. Whether the opposing team wants to lie through their teeth about it or not.

And that's what irritates me the most. The blatent lies. Ya know, if you don't like President Obama simply because you're a Republican then that's fine. That's your right. But you can't dislike our president because of all the lies being told about him by your Republican leaders. When you do indeed base your opinions on lies, your opinions are wrong. Your opinions are meaningless. Your opinions are nothing.


1. If you don't like Obamacare that's fine. But you can't dislike Obamacare because it adds massive amounts of debt to our budget. And you can't dislike Obamacare because it doesn't help out millions of Americans because the REAL FACTS show it DOES NOT add debt to this country and it REALLY DOES help millions of Americans who were previously uninsured and possibly dying.

2. It's ok to dislike the fact that immigration reform is long overdue in this country. And you can not like the fact that Obama hasn't taken executive action on the matter (although, if he did do that the Republicans would complain that he acted alone even though there is a bipartisan immigration bill sitting in the Republican led House of Representatives waiting to be passed). But you can't dislike Obama because he just lets people into this country and then lets them stay illegally. Republicans forget or fail to mention the REAL FACT that Obama has deported more people than any other president before him. You also can't dislike Obama for following immigration laws passed by those same Republicans. Especially when the bill waiting in the House would fix all of these problems.

3. You can hate the fact that millions of Americans live in poverty and the fact that our economy isn't as strong as it should be. But you can't hate Obama for not creating jobs or bringing the economy back from the recession because REAL FACTS show that he has done both. You can't hate Obama for our poverty woes when Obama supports the strongest and quickest thing that would lift millions of people out of poverty...raising the minimum wage. REAL FACTS also show that to be true.

4. You can dislike Obama's foreign policy. But you can't hate Obama for not keeping the homeland safe (and regardless of the Republican fear mongering over ISIS, our borders and now Ebola, the homeland is safe). And you can't hate Obama because Middle Eastern countries let ISIS grow into what they currently are. You can't blame Obama for the problems of Iraq because he really did want to keep troops over there. What would you do when now former Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki would not ensure your troops safety? And you can't hate Obama because of what Vladimir Putan is doing to Ukraine. If you want to blame anybody for the illegal actions of Russia you blame Russia and maybe the UN, NATO and the EU. You cannot justifiably blame Obama's foreign policy for any of these things. A foreign policy that keeps American troops and civilians abroad safe. A foreign policy that ensures another 9-11 doesn't happen on the homeland. On our homeland.

5. You can't dislike Obama because he supports gun control and wants to take your guns away. For the last time, that is NOT what gun control is. If you read up about REAL gun control and have just a little bit of common sense, gun control laws should be welcomed by us all. If you have the right to own a gun now, you would still have that right with gun control laws. That's the only thing that matters. So, dont hate Obama because you wouldn't be able to own, carry, shoot and buy more guns with gun control because you would still be able to own, carry, shoot and buy all the guns you want with gun control.

6. You can hate Obama because he's a Democrat. Or because he grew up in Hawaii. Or because he likes to golf and play basketball. But you can't dislike Obama because he's a Kenyan, a Muslim, a dictator, a tyrant, an imperelist, a communist, a socialist or a weak, un-American, out of touch leader. Because REAL FACTS prove all of those Republican made tittles for our Commander-in-Chief to be 100% false.

I only ask that you see beyond all of the lies. And these are just a few examples of the propaganda that people let Republicans force into their minds. Please don't let all the lies form your opinions of President Obama and all the important issues because that is the kind of ignorance ruining this great country. That is the kind of arrogance halting the REAL PROGRESS that could bring our nation back to #1 again in every category. And I mean no offense to anybody here. However, if you're offended by any of this, I would advise you to brush up on the REAL FACTS.

To finish, I will leave you all with this shockingly accurate newsflash: If you dont like President Obama due to any of these above mentioned lies or the hundreds of other false statements made about him by Republicans, then guess what? The truth is...that in President Obama. <----Another REAL FACT. So, open your eyes to all of the ridiculously blatent lies and start fighting for our president the way he has been fighting for you.

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